My sweet cousin Heather just tagged me to tell seven random things about myself. So here it goes:
1. I
love to shop. For the house, for me, for my girls, for my husband, for anyone I can possibly think of who needs a gift . . . yeah it can get a little out-of-hand some times.
2. I studied Spanish for 5 years and now rarely find opportunities to use it. Isn't that sad. And not only did I study it, but I was pretty good too. I got good grades and compliments from my Mexican-born
profesora! I think I really would have enjoyed a foreign exchange to Spain, or serving a Spanish-speaking mission.
3. I am a chocolate lover!
4. Two of my best friends live on the other side of the globe. Maria
Bergane from Norway and I met in high school when she was a foreign exchange student. And Melanie
Rauscher from Germany, lived with my family during her senior year of high school and my freshman year at Snow College. I wish I could go visit them all the time. It's just so expensive. But in reality we're only a phone call (or an email) away :) I also have several other wonderful friends from around the globe.
5. After giving birth to Millie I
lost 30 pounds in addition to my pregnancy weight. I was happy but it was sad that I couldn't wear a lot of clothes that I loved.
6. I am a paranoid driver. I always think other drivers are cussing me because of the stupid things I do (i.e. not turning when I obviously had enough time). So I'm always saying "sorry" and Millie asks me, "Why you say sorry?" She thinks I'm crazy too.
7. I am a
quality-time girl. If you don't know what I'm talking about you have to read "The Five Love Languages," by Gary Chapman. It's genius! Anyway, I basically feel loved when people hang out with me, or make an effort to spend time with me.
Love you all. And now I guess I tag 7 people. I tag Hayley, Katie M.,
Marcee, Joni, Traci, Diane and Julia.