Tuesday, January 26, 2010

. . . the darnedest things

Last night during family prayers, Millie prayed, ". . . and please bless me to always be beautiful." I tried not to laugh at her vanity, but I couldn't help it!

And here's Ivy with another funny:


Katie said...

Funny kiddos you got there Tamber! I'll be Millie was ticked that you laughed at her, wasn't she?!

Westons said...

No, Millie didn't realize I was laughing. I plugged my nose to try to stop myself for the duration of the prayer and afterward I told her I had something in my throat. (I wasn't lying. There was a giggle trying to get out!)

MC said...

Little kid prayers really are the BEST!! :)That Ivy is one cute monster.

Katie McCaul said...

OMG!!! that was hillarious...kids are so fun!

Melodie Anne said...

That is too funny! I love when kids don't get social rules yet, and I get so sad when they start to develop shame. It's so much more entertaining when they say and do whatever they want!

Diane said...

Good little growls there Ivy! Millie's too funny. At least you know that she has high self-esteem in the physical appearance area. =) Today in primary she prayed that we would listen and be good, and that she'd get to go to her grandma's. So, the plugging the nose trick works?