I have nearly recovered from our long weekend in Manti. I took the girls down for the Mickelson family reunion and my little sister's bridal shower. Mark stayed home to work on a project for me (more on that in weeks to come). And making that long trip without his help, was a lot of work! Especially since my 4-year-old acted like a "ba-lunatic" the entire time!

The reunion was fun. We swam at the Manti pool in the morning and had lunch at the park. Ivy was worn out from the pool and slept through lunch.

Aren't kids cute when they sleep? (Especially this one below.) No fighting, whining, or complaining . . . it's amazing!

We slept at my grandma Nora's house. I got a picture with both the girls, but Ivy was hysterical and no one looked very happy.

I only managed to take one picture during the bridal shower and it wasn't a very good one. I was tired and just wanted to sit back and watch Ivy walk. Yes, you heard right: Ivy is finally walking (and has even started talking)!!! Now, we're just waiting for her first tooth!
congrats ivy & tamber!
Yay Ivy! I'm sorry you had to go alone. I don't like doing that. There's a reason there are two parents. Hopefully whatever the project is was worth it. =) Can't wait to see what it is. Mark's talent is amazing.
Sure sounds like a lot of work! I am glad you made it alive! I missed you at Melanie's shower, i'll have to catch you at the next family activity!
Love family reunions! And I agree..it's so hard to do things without the husband...I usually don't go anywhere unless he goes with. Can't wait to see what project Mark's working on!
Hooray for Ivy! Finally. I don't know how parents handle more than one child in a non-confined space. Once they've got me out numbered I've lost the battle- hopefully it's different with your own kids. You're brave to vacation without Mark- I'm glad you made it through it and I'm excited to read more about the project!
That's a really cute pool picture. I also love that Millie is asleep with a bracelet on. How precious :) Your Grandma Nora looks really good. How old is she again???
:0) for Ivy!
How fun! I am with you without daddies it is hard...with one let alone two:) Family reunions rock. Hooray for Ivy walking and talking those moments are priceless.
We were so sad we had to miss the annual Mickelson Family Reunion. Hopefully you had lots of fun. And, so brave of you to go all the way from Logan with your kids! That's quite a task!
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