Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Breaking the Bank

. . . the piggy bank that is. After only 6 months of collecting, Ivy smashed her piggy bank to bits (regardless of the fact that it had an easy-to-remove plug under its belly). I guess she really wanted to go shopping!
Actually I'm the one to blame. I let her play with it on the ground while I took a shower and later moved it up on a chair to get it out of the way. She eventually found and knocked it off onto the tile floor. Sorry Barbara, it was such a cute piggy too. Unfortunately it's not the first fragile item to shatter on that floor!
Sweet Ivy. I just love this knit hat my mom sent to her.
After I took pictures of the broken piggy (that was totally staged btw, I misplaced my camera the day it broke and couldn't take a picture right away) Millie took advantage of the camera in the bathroom and started snapping away. Here are some of my favorite shots of the bath tub:


bandkworky said...

So sad about the piggy, but Ivy is so cute.

Ryan and Julia said...

To bad about he piggy bank. I remember I had a plastic bottle to collect change in, not as cute as the piggy bank.

Cameron and BreAnn said...

She is a doll! And piggy banks are more fun with money all over the house! Cute!

Katie said...

How sad! My girls love their piggies!

Diane said...

It is a cute piggy bank! Did she have that much change in there already? Or was that the staged part?

Melodie Anne said...

Ha ha! I love the pictures little kids take. I'm so grateful for digital cameras because it doesn't waste any film for kids to play with them. Brody loves taking pictures. Ivy is too cute! Sorry about the piggy bank.

Westons said...

Diane- All the money was in there, I just had to sweep up all the tiny shards from the mirror for safety before I finally found my camera. So I had to move it all and then stage it for the picture.